Meet HEATHER SNOW. She’ll try to incorporate some yoga moves into her act! We hope.
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Heather is a Denver based comic who is best known for producing Ladies Laugh-In at Beauty Bar (A Showcase made up of mostly women and a token dude or two), two-time winner of Best of Westword. Drawing from personal experiences, she gives a dry, cynical twist to being a single, young professional.
Laugh Track: How long have you been a stand-up comic?
Heather: A little over two years. My first time on stage was when I was practicing what I called “Productive Drinking” at an Open Mic Night. I was only allowed to drink if there was an activity. I got onstage drunk, and told all of my grandfather’s old jokes. “Got yer nose!”
What other comics will you be watching during the festival?
Jay Washington. He tells me that he’s really good at Yoga.
If you could give yourself advice when you first started out, what would it be?
Be humble, be friendly to everyone and don’t date the other comics.
If your future self ten years from now could give you advice, what would it be?
Invest in Nanosolar and use coco butter every day.
Scientology inspired questions. Feel free to go into detail if you need to. Here we go…
a) Do you lie about yourself?
Yes. I’m only 5′11 3/4″
I also don’t have any trouble with sober sex. I’ve learned recently that I actually (simply by being a woman) have quite a lot of game. But for the most part, I have a really hard time lying. Most of my friends know the expression that I get on my face when I am blatantly lying. I’ve learned to work around this by completely omitting any information at all. If I ask them a question about themselves instead of answering the question that they asked me, I can successfully avoid any truly intimate relationships.
b) Do you connect yourself with bad influences?
Absolutely not. I AM the bad influence.
c) Should you be punished forever?
Depends on how attractive the person is that’s asking.
d) Have you ever invented perverted sexual practices?
Casual touching is my favorite sexual practice. It’s where you casually touch strangers in conversation, while your friends do the same. Then you count the number of people that you casually touch and compete for prizes. Licking counts for more points.
e) Is there a past life that you can’t talk about?
What happens at Put-in-Bay stays at Put-in-Bay.
See Heather plus more comics at sponsored by Denver Open Media – 7:00pm @ – Click here to buy tickets.
Tags: denver comedy block, denver open media, heather snow, oriental theater, stand up